
I suspect if you are visiting this site, you have wondered how you can be of service during this incredibly challenging time in our history.  When money is tight, jobs are being lost, and the future is uncertain, donating money may not be something you can do now.  Or even if you wish you could show your support for Black Lives Matter by protesting, you might be afraid of contracting Covid.  It is a quandary many of us have found ourselves facing.

I came across this wonderful article in the Washington Post, which might be helpful to you.  It so clearly outlines many ways you can help, and offers links.  There just may be something on their list that you haven't thought of doing.

One thing we all can do is offer our prayers to those who are suffering right now.  I do it in my evening meditations.  It is easy.  And it costs nothing but a few seconds of your time.

Some wonder if prayer actually works.  To those, I would offer this perspective.  Thoughts are energy, and energy is what constitutes all matter that exists in our world and in the universe.  Positive, prayerful thoughts help move energy where it is most needed.  It is like an SOS or smoke signal sent to the heavens.  Divine beings are alerted of the need, then, right away, they can get to work on your prayer.  Remember that free will is a thing, and divine law says angels and masters or even our Creator cannot interfere with it.  So if a soul for whom you pray wishes for an outcome different than what you pray for, the soul's free will is honored.  But here is the beautiful thing...if your prayer is aligned with the soul-level wish of those you pray for, healing energy will be sent.  That is when miracles can and do happen! 

In the months ahead, I will be launching the SEA Pledge.  The SEA Pledge asks each of us to take a minute or two out of our day - for 66 days straight - to send beautiful, healing energy to a person, a group of people, humanity, Mother Earth, a cause...whatever moves you the most.  Why 66?  In spiritual terms, the number 6 carries the energy of humanitarianism, service to others, grace and gratitude.  That second 6 doubles the power of that energy.  Also, according to scientific studies, it takes an average of 66 days to form a habit.  My hope is that this will become a habit among us all.  Imagine how our energy collectively can change the world!  Remember this.  It can.  And it will.

I am starting today.  My first day will be dedicated to our world leaders, who hold the power to improve lives and outcomes for us all.  My prayer is that they make choices and decisions that are motivated only by love and compassion.  

Will you commit to the SEA Pledge with me?